San Miguel School


Honoring Tradition, Embracing Our Future

To our San Miguel Community,

Since our founding, a shining star has served as the emblem of our organization. Inspired by the Lasallian star, each of its five points corresponds to a core principle that guides our work: Faith in the Presence of God; Respect for All Persons; Inclusive Community; Quality Education; and Concern for the Poor and Social Justice.

In 2025, we are embracing a new era at San Miguel, marked by enthusiastic new leadership and unprecedented success. Yet the principles of St. John Baptist de la Salle remain at the heart of our work, guiding our faculty, community, and mission as steadfastly as ever. When we began the process of reimagining our logo, we knew the star – representing our vibrant community, cherished traditions, and faith that propels us forward – must endure at its center.

Our new design honors both our heritage and our home. The rich colors of red, blue, and gold pay tribute to our namesake, San Miguel Febres Cordero, Ecuador's first male saint canonized in 1984. These colors, which echo Ecuador's national flag, reflect the heritage shared by many of our students whose families trace their roots to Central and South America. The distinctive red stripes mirror those of the Washington, DC flag, rooting us firmly in the capital city where we answer our calling to serve. This dual symbolism celebrates both our global Lasallian connection and our local identity.

Our Miguel Men leave our halls equipped with the skills and virtues developed under our roof, ready for success in independent high schools, top universities, and meaningful careers. The emerging crest in our new logo symbolizes this transformative journey – while we have changed hundreds of lives in our 23 years, the impact of our mission continues to grow, reaching ever greater heights.

Dr. David T. Palank, Jr

Explore San Miguel

We’re a community; we’re more than just a school. We’re a brotherhood... pushing each other forward.
— Gustavo Sanchez Director of Finance and Operations (Miguel Class 2010)

San Miguel News