Counseling Support
At San Miguel School, we recognize the critical importance of supporting the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of our students. Our comprehensive school counseling program, led by Mr. Luis Calvo, provides a wide range of services and resources to meet the needs of our student body.
We offer individual counseling to help students navigate personal challenges, as well as grade-level counseling sessions on vital topics like bullying/cyberbullying, suicide prevention, social media safety, and stress management. Each fall, we host school counseling interns from George Washington University who provide additional support. Mr. Calvo conducts weekly virtual check-ins and quarterly progress meetings with every student. For our 6th graders, we focus heavily on facilitating a smooth transition into San Miguel's private, all-boys environment. New student Boot Camp, ongoing social-emotional learning, and parent engagement are key during this pivotal time. Our online classroom also offers extensive mental health resources. At San Miguel, we are deeply committed to providing our students and families with the counseling support they need to thrive.