Jane Goodall Institute Executive Director Encourages Students to Make a Difference

Anna Rathmann, executive director of the Jane Goodall Institute, inspired San Miguel students Thursday, December 8 with encouragement to follow their curiosity to make a positive difference in the world.

Rathmann recounted her journey from being a curious young student with a passion for geography to a conservationist working in communities across the globe. Students were captivated by tales from the field, like when Rathmann came dangerously close to being trampled by a rhinoceros, as well as her motivating message.

“Stay curious. Ask questions. Find out the what, the when, the where, the why, the how. Stay curious in whatever it is that you’re passionate about.”

Rathmann offered a relatable perspective to San Miguel students. Speaking of her experience working at Yellowstone National Park, she said, “Like many of you, I was a representative of something bigger than myself. When I put on that uniform, I was not just Anna, I was a Park Ranger…When you are a representative,  you have a responsibility to something larger than yourself.”

Rathmann encouraged students to become involved with initiatives like Roots & Shoots, a program through the Jane Goodall Institute with a mission to “empower young people to affect positive change in their communities.”

Students took Rathmann’s message to heart. One student shared, "I think I'll remember what she told us about staying curious for the rest of my life. Following my curiosity will guide me and help shape my path." 


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Happy Thanksgiving from President Appel