San Miguel Class of 2023 Celebrates Graduation
Family and friends gathered June 10 to celebrate the graduation of the 23 young men of the San Miguel Class of 2023.

Msgr. John Enzler celebrated the baccalaureate mass before graduation exercises. He recognized one of San Miguel’s founders, Brother Thomas Gerrow, in attendance, and he reminded students that their San Miguel education will always be with them.
Daniel Ochaita, who delivered the student address, expressed gratitude for the support of teachers and parents. He also shared the hope he has for the future of his classmates. “I’m looking at tomorrow’s lawyers, doctors, architects, and maybe even soccer players.”
When this class began their San Miguel journey as sixth grade students in August of 2020, classes were conducted virtually. It was not until the spring of 2021 when classes resumed in person that many of these classmates met for the first time face-to-face. Yet in spite of the obstacles that accompanied the start of their time at San Miguel, their bond grew strong.
Principal David Palank compared students’ past three years to a hero’s journey, marked by challenges and triumphs. He reminded students that they are still in the “rising action” of their story. “Today is not the climax of your journey. You are just turning the page.”
President Maureen Appel commended the incredible perseverance of the graduates. “You were thrown into a thunderstorm of uncertainty, but you learned to stand strong. You have truly lived out the “G” in the Miguel acronym - grit.”
Each year, San Miguel School recognizes outstanding graduating students and faculty.
This year the St. John Baptist de la Salle Award for highest grade point average recognized Daniel Ochaita as the valedictorian for the Class of 2023.
The Brother Alvaro Rodriguez-Echevarria, FSC Award recognized Gilverto Romero-Bonilla for growth over the years attending San Miguel School.
The Principal/President’s Award for Miguel Man of the Year recognized David Paz as the graduate who most embodied the twelve virtues of a Lasallian leader, like wisdom, zeal, and generosity.
The Charles and Louis O’Brien Award of Excellence in Teaching recognized Diana Carey, the seventh grade English Language Arts teacher. This year, Ms. Carey’s class achieved incredible gains in their language arts skills.
Graduates will take the next steps in their education at some of the most prestigious high schools in the area. The San Miguel Graduate Support Team offers alumni support and guidance throughout high school and into college.