3D Printing Club Debuts at San Miguel

San Miguel students began to create in new dimensions in April as students and faculty launched the school's first 3D printing club. The club met for the first time on Wednesday, April 21.

The club, which consists of nine seventh and eighth graders, allows students to explore the process of creating models on 3D printing software, starting from basic design through to printing. 

To get accustomed to designing sculptures that would become three dimensional forms, students first began by creating paper models of tables and chairs. They quickly moved on to digitally designing models for the 3D printer.

Alex Vera, who teaches technology, Spanish, and religion at San Miguel, moderates the club. He noted that the students are motivated to take initiative with projects.

“They’re very interested, they’re very engaged,” Vera noted. “They have started tutorials on their own, they’re creating their own designs. It’s all very student-led.”

Vera shared that one of the purposes of the club is to have students help him determine how much time and material is required to complete projects so that 3D printing can be included as part of the curriculum for technology class. Vera will seek to have eighth grade complete one project by graduation this year. Next year, students in all grades will complete 3D printing projects.

David P., a current seventh-grader, said that he joined the club because it sounded fun. Adding that he, “likes to challenge himself.”

“I design things by using basic shapes and I use references to make my 3D models,” he explained.

Among the models that students are working towards are paperweights and key chains with the San Miguel logo, characters from their favorite games, and even a miniature model of San Miguel School. 


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