San Miguel Launches New Service Learning Class

San Miguel students are trying their hand at a new class this year with a focus on serving the school community.

The Service Learning course that debuted for the 2022-23 school year will see students meet weekly to tackle service projects at the school. This new initiative will put the Lasallian spirit to work to beautify, clean and help the San Miguel community.

Led by Miguel and Social Studies teacher Mila Kuchta, the class engages students in all grade levels in service in the school as well as the larger community. Students in all grade levels participate.

So far, students have provided help by cleaning classrooms, preparing first aid kits, cleaning up trash around the building, and more. As the year progresses, they will have opportunities to serve off campus, too.

Kuchta shared, “As a former Lasallian Volunteer, I believe that service is an integral part of being Lasallian and a member of the San Miguel community. My ultimate goal is for the students to develop a sense of zeal for serving others without expecting anything in return.”

Students have shared that the class has allowed them to learn about themselves. One offered, “I learned that I really like working hard knowing it contributes to something bigger.” Another said: “I like knowing I can play a part in helping our school and our community.”


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