San Miguel Students Serve at Capital Area Food Bank

“I feel like I made a difference, packing food for people in need. It made me feel passionate about helping others.”

These are the words of one seventh grade student who joined his classmates to pack boxes of food for vulnerable senior citizens at the Capital Area Food Bank on February 21.

The students attended as an aspect of Service Learning, a class that made its debut this year. Service Learning involves all students in serving both their school and the broader community. Eighth grade students packed supplies at the Capital Area Food Bank earlier this school year.

“Seeing how many boxes we packed, I felt like we made a difference,” another student shared. Students worked as an assembly line to construct boxes, fill them with food, and seal them closed. When they had finished, they had packed 222 boxes of food.

Students discuss and understand the way this visit is not just an isolated field trip, but rather a piece of their San Miguel education and development as young men. One student summarized the motivation for their work.  “Helping the community and being generous is very important to show who we are as people and that we are all made in the image of God.”


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