San Miguel Welcomes Supporters for 2023 Student Sponsorship Luncheon

Supporters and leaders joined students and teachers of San Miguel School on March 16 for food and fellowship at the 2023 Student Sponsorship Luncheon. The event brought together San Miguel student sponsors with their scholars for a chance to get to know one another in person.

Student sponsors are generous supporters of the mission of San Miguel School who have a direct connection to a particular student. Sponsors follow along the educational journey of the young men they support through academic updates, notes from their students, and opportunities for fellowship, like last week’s lunch. 

For many, this was the first in-person meeting. Students and their sponsors engaged in lively conversations and collaborative trivia that featured questions stemming from the San Miguel curriculum.

If you are interested in becoming a student sponsor, please contact the Development Office at (202) 810-8200 or


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