San Miguel School Marks Graduation Ceremony for Class of 2022

Twenty-four eighth graders walked across the stage and graduated from San Miguel School on Saturday, June 11.

With family and loved ones in attendance, the group marked this milestone at the St. John’s College High School auditorium. The graduates reached the finish line to their journeys at San Miguel — three academic years unlike any in the school’s 20-year history.

Msgr. John Enzler, a member of San Miguel School’s Board of Trustees, presided over a baccalaureate Mass immediately before the graduation ceremony. He recognized the graduates and their proud families in attendance for their mettle and poise during an unprecedented time. And he urged them to follow their faith into their next academic pursuits and bright futures.

San Miguel School President Maureen Appel saluted the graduating students and reminded them that her three years at San Miguel School have coincided with this graduating class’ journey at 7705 Georgia Avenue N.W. Like Appel, these students arrived at San Miguel in the Fall of 2019. A few months later, the COVID-19 pandemic upended the school for months. Classes were conducted virtually to finish the 2019-20 school year. The next year saw a mixture of hybrid in-person and online instruction. And this year, students were finally able to return to the classroom full-time. Appel praised the students for reaching this occasion despite of all these ever-evolving obstacles.

“In many ways, we are making history today,” she told the graduates. “We have been through a lot. And we have weathered the storm.”

Principal David Palank also commended the graduates for their resilience and dedication, urging them to reflect on their journeys at San Miguel while celebrating the promise and excitement of new beginnings at their high school destinations this Fall.

“No matter where you go and what you do, you will always be Miguel Men,” Palank said.

In keeping with annual tradition, San Miguel School recognized outstanding graduating students and the faculty for their work during the academic year. 

  • This year’s St. John Baptist De LaSalle Award for highest grade point average recognized Edgar Cruz as the valedictorian for the Class of 2022.

  • The Brother Alvaro Rodriguez-Echevarria, FSC Award for growth over the years attending San Miguel School recognized Yabsera Sibhat.

  • The Principal/President’s Award for Miguel Man of the Year recognized Carlos Vázquez-Ávila, who most embodied the qualities of the Miguel Man.

  • The Charles and Louise O’Brien Award of Excellence in Teaching recognized Mr. Alex Vera, a technology, Spanish and religion teacher who has worked at San Miguel School since 2019.


Click here to see where the Class of 2022 will attend high school in the Fall


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